How To Apply a White Wash Milk Paint to Raw Wood
Milk Paint has become popular for it’s awesome chippy goodness that it gives on previously finished surfaces, but what about on raw wood?
Did you know that milk paint on raw wood is actually the strongest, most durable paint you can use?
Milk paint, when painted on raw wood, will bind with the wood fibers, acting more like a stain, than paint. It soaks in, showcasing the wood grain- and giving your finish a durable, beautiful finish.
It can take two different toned wood species, and blend them together.
Step. 1 Mix Your Milk Paint
We chose the color Limestone in Homestead House Milk Paint, to give this table an aged antiqued white finish.
When choosing to stain or wash a raw wood with milk paint, you can add more water, a 2 to 1 ratio of water to paint.
The raw wood will soak all the paint right up, and dry in a fraction of the time other toxic stains take.
Step 2. Lightly Sand to smooth raised wood grain
After staining the wood, you will notice that milk paint will cause the wood grain to raise- we recommend sanding this down with a fine grit sand paper or orbital sander.
Step 3. Distress it by sanding more
We chose to create some antique wear and tear by sanding back a bit with a 220 grit sand paper.
Step 4. Add a Top Coat
We finished this piece by adding our clear Salad Bowl Finish for an eco friendly top coat.
Applying it with a wax brush, sponge, or cloth will work wonderfully for this.
Milk paint gives this table an authentic wood finish, giving it a aged creamy white finish, yet not covering the wood grain!