This all-natural food-safe Hemp Oil Wood Finish is very easy to apply and moisturizes your hands at the same time! We like to call it liquid gold! Excellent over reclaimed or bare wood, It revives, conditions, and protects wood for a beautiful, natural finish. Read along to see How To Use Hemp Oil. This oil is great for those that suffer from chemical sensitivities and can not use solvent-based products. The odour of this oil is much like crushed walnuts. This oil is a great environmentally friendly locally produced in Canada with no additives or preservatives.

- Pour or brush on Hemp Oil to bare wood or painted surface
- Let soak into the wood or paint finish
- Wipe away excess with a lint-free rag

Coverage will vary taking into consideration what surface the oil is being applied. For example, previously oiled surfaces will require very little oil, whereas bare wood will require more. Let the wood tell you! If the oil disappears very quickly, throw on another coat. 500 ml – Covers approximately 80 square feet.
Although our Hemp Oil comes in shades ranging from golden yellow to dark green, depending on when it is harvested. It will not change your paint colour! Applied over wood this oil will darken and richen to a soft lustre sheen. Generally the older the wood, the more it will darken it. This will vary based on the type of wood/species and the age of the wood. It is highly recommended to try a small amount on an area to find out how your project will look with this application.
Over Fusion Mineral Paint it will increase the sheen ever so slightly giving protection against dust that can show on darker colours.

Over Milk Paint, it is an amazing finish! Soaking into and binding with the wood and Milk Paint to create a tough Water resistant finish.

The oil will feel dry to the touch one day after the initial application, however complete drying can be several days. For example, if there is too much oil initially applied, then small amounts of oil may rise over the first few days. You can avoid this, by wiping the excess away with a cloth.
When using Hemp Oil on wood floors, we recommend placing some cardboard pieces over top of the floor where there is a lot of foot traffic. You'll want to keep off any dirty shoes for at least two weeks!
Hemp Oil on Floors
When using our Oil on furniture over Fusion Mineral Paint and Milk Paint, all excess must be wiped back leaving behind the thinnest layer. This will take a day to dry to the touch and 5-10 days to cure hard.
Used inside, this food-safe oil finish is perfect to use in the kitchen on wooden cutting boards, wooden utensils or stone. Also provides a wonderful finish to refresh metal.

Wet sanding with our Oil can really give you a buttery smooth velvety feel finish over the top of Fusion or Milk Paint. Using soft grit sandpaper use the Oil as a lubricant to sand the finish smooth. The results are stunning.